About ISG

ISG, which stands for Internal Security Governance, is a non-state organization with a primary objective of creating cognizance about internal security among citizens. We work in collaboration with government security agencies and are guided by officers who have served or are currently serving the nation in their respective domains. The organization aims to inculcate a healthy habit of true patriotism and refrain from any form of propaganda. We believe this is a futuristic concept that is crucial in today’s world. By focusing on traditional threats such as organized crimes, propaganda, separatism, and naxalite-maoist insurgency ISG seeks to educate people about these issues and promote a safe and secure environment. In addition to addressing traditional threats, ISG also stays updated on imminent threats. We aim to warn people about dangers like misinformation, cybercrime, immigration frauds, healthcare, and real estate frauds. By staying informed and spreading awareness, ISG plays a significant role in protecting individuals and communities from these modern-day challenges. One of the key aspects of ISG is their collaboration with government security agencies. This partnership allows us to work hand in hand with the authorities in addressing internal security concerns. By leveraging the expertise and resources of these agencies, 

ISG can effectively tackle various threats and ensure the safety of citizens. ISG’s tagline, “We stand together,” reflects our commitment to unity, smartness, and resilience. It encapsulates our belief that by working together, citizens can overcome challenges and build a secure nation. This tagline serves as a reminder that true patriotism lies in standing united and being proactive in safeguarding the country’s internal security. Overall, ISG is an organization that plays a crucial role in creating awareness about internal security. Through our collaboration with government security agencies and the guidance of experienced officers, we will be able to address traditional threats while staying updated on emerging challenges. By promoting true patriotism and refraining from propaganda, ISG fosters a sense of responsibility among citizens. Our efforts in educating people about various threats and warning about imminent dangers contribute to a safer and more secure society. We hope this provides you with a better understanding of ISG and our mission.